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EssentialSubgraphLab: Essential Subgraphs of Random Graphs

About the Lab

You are given a graph or digraph G = (V,E,W) with positive weights on edges. The distance between vertices x and y is defined as cost of the least-cost path between x and y, summing weights of edges used in the path.

For any pair x,y, the edge (x,y) may or may or may not be the shortest path. An edge of G is called essential if it is uniquely the shortest path between its endpoints: that is if there is no alternative path of equal or smaller cost.

The Essential Subgraph Problem is, given G, to find the subgraph S containing only the essential edges of G. This problem has many similarities with All-Pairs Shortest-Paths.

The algorithm described here works by considering edges of G in increasing order by weight, and building the Essential Subraph S on the fly. If (x,y) is essential (based on a search in S), then it adds the edge to S and otherwise discards it. The runtime is O(ns log n), where s is the number of edges in S at the end of the computation. In the standard averagae case model s = O(n log n).

Resources and Links

The algorithm and these versions are described in Chapter 4: Tuning Algorithms, Tuning Code.


  1. Try more of the algorithm and code tuning ideas suggested in Chapter 4. How fast can you make it run?
  2. The tuning process would be very different if different input graph models were used. Try engineering this algorithm for road-map graphs.
  3. Try tuning the heap data structure for a different application: for example to support Dijkstra's Single-Source Shortest Path algorithm.
  4. This algorithm is easily adapted to solve the all-pairs shortest paths problem. How would you adapt these tune-ups to solve that problem on real-world instances?