Computer Science 14 - Lab 1

The first lab project is to build a multiplexor circuit. The circuit has three inputs: A, B, C, and one output M. It works sort of like a router: if C = 0, then M is the same as A (the value of A is routed to M); but if C = 1, then M is the same as B.

Before the lab Thursday, you should do the following tasks:

In the Lab


Bring your answers to these questions with you to class on Friday, to turn in. Your questions about the questions will be answered at the beginning of class.

We can use the binary (base-two) number system to represent integers with 0/1 (bit) values. In this system, a pair of bits can be used to represent the numbers 0 through 3, as follows.

00 = 0
01 = 1
10 = 2
11 = 3

A Comparator Circuit takes 4 inputs, (A1,A0), and (B1, B0), which are interpreted as two base-two numbers (see the chart above). It has two outputs, G and E. G is 1 if (A1,A0) is greater than (B1,B0), and E is 1 if (A1,A0) equals (B1, B0).

  1. Write the truth table for these two functions.
  2. Draw Karnaugh maps for the two functions.
  3. Write the Boolean formulas for both functions, reading straight from the Truth Table. Then show a derivation (mentioning the laws of Boolean algebra that you use) to get from the original formula to your simplified formula.
  4. Draw a circuit diagram for each function.